experience in education

Classical Vocal Training – Prof. Ingrid Kremling, Angela Denoke,Gabriele Rossmanith
Didactics and Methodology of Singing, Harmonics, Aural Theory, Rhythm, Piano, Drumset, Percussion
(Hochschule für Musik und Theater HH)
Pop and Jazz – Karin Ploog, Stephanie Borm-Krüger, Alexandra Pengler (SLS Speech Level Singing, IVA)
CVT Workshop, Julia Zipprick
Acting – Waltraud Schlingplässer-Gruber, Cornelia Ölund
Breathing Types in Vocal Work – Renate Schulze-Schindler and Romeo Alavi Kia
Cranial and Visceral Osteopathy – Certified practitioner with the Milne Institute since 2009; various assistantships
Craniosacral work with the Brain – Benjamin Shields
Myofascial Release – Robert Schleip
Fascia Work Advanced Trainings: Neck, Jaw, Head – Til Luchau
Laryngeal Manipulation, Dr. Jacob Lieberman
Anatomy Trains, Tom Myers
Anatomy – Charité Berlin, Prof. Vleeming, Dr. Lexy
Sitting in and practicing with Bernhard Voss (Upledger Institute)
Pedagogical Psychology (Conflict Resolution, Focusing) – Prof.Angelika Wagner
Trauma Therapy – Helen Prisi
Internship in Music Therapy – Alsterdorfer Anstalten
Meditation – Shamata, Vipassana, Kunlun, various breathing methods – Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche, Lama Kunga u.a.
Qi Gong – Maitre Zhu a.o.
Yoga – Freda Louisa Leverkühn a.o.
Dance (Afro, Modern, Tango u.a.) – Kawfune, J. Watuzi, R. Amendt, Alexandra&Mariano, R.Heins a.o.
Languages: German, English (fluent), Portuguese and French (good elementary knowledge)

Lalelu a Cappella Comedy
Co-creator of the group; tours in Germany, Denmark and Switzerland
Delikateusen Music Cabaret with Henrike Gebauer; composition, arrangements, performance, overall conception; soprano and emceeing
CATS Hamburg Mezzo-soprano
AbraCappella Gospel a Cappella; Galas, Hochzeiten
minor parts, solo und duet, at galas, weddings
Axolotls Trashpunk, concerts, split-LP production
Radio and TV
Götz Alsman Show
Aktuelle Schaubude
Talk op Platt
Herrmann und Tietjen, Hüsch & Co
SR Gesellschaftsabend u.a.
With Lalelu:
Lüdenscheider Lüsterklemme
St.Ingberter Kleinkunstpfanne
Thüringer Kleinkunstpreis
Experience in education
Independent Vocal Coach: pop, jazz, blues rock, gospel, musical theater, classical, folk, etc.
Organizer of student concerts: conception, presentation, and arrangement for duets, ensembles, choirs and instruments
Work with duets, ensembles, projects, choir conducting and voice formation for choirs
Supervision of vocal coaching and bodywork
Conducting seminars on the following topics:
- Breathing types (Inhaler/Exhaler)
- Basics of vocal coaching
- Ensemble singing, a Cappella
- Touch it! – Body&Voice Balancing with specific topics (e.g., mandible/neck, resonance areas, respiratory muscles)
- Stage performance
- Dealing with stage fear
- Singing with a microphone
- Breath, Voice, Yoga (with Freda Louisa Leverkühn)
Lectureship in singing: Institut für Musiktherapie, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, University for Music and Theater, Hamburg (2004)
Voice coaching for actors of Theater Sprechwerk, Hamburg (2006)
I like 1
„Your Osteopathy Treatment made my back pain vanish in one session. That saved me over my week of work“
T. Müller, Hamburg
I like 2
„There hasn`t been one singing class that I didn`t leave in a happy mood.
I like the concentrated work and that we also laugh together. It`s never too late to start singing lessons with you!“.
Dr. V. Schmiedel, Hamburg
I like 3
„Working with Stefanie has expanded my vocal range and fine tuned the accuracy of my pitch. She is really good at both her vocal techniques and her hands on cranial and facial bone adjustments. I highly recommend working with her if you are passionate about singing and want to go to the next level.”
Shems Heartwell, Maui
I like 4
„Dear Stefanie, the last lesson was like a wonder. I could sing much better with the ensemble and with the choir, my three top notes, that I usually have to force out, came clearly and easily. I received much from this work, especially concerning the opening of the jaw. Many, many thanks!“.
G. Schick, Hamburg
I like 5
„Stefanies gentle, sensitive hands loosen the regions of jaw and neck sustainingly and support my singing exercises. The treatment helps me to keep relaxed through phases of tough concerts and to establish the perfect placing of the voice“.
Anne W., Hamburg